Our goal - OpenWord.io

North Park Club – Value Statement

North Park Club adopts a holistic vision of its project. Our intent is to bring value and build a reward system that benefits primarily our NFTs holders.


Moving forward, North Park Club will encapsulate a platform comparable, in some manner, Opensea, that contains smart contracts and other features.

Web 3 has grown into a movement that envisions a fundamentally different sort of internet – or the future age of the internet – as opposed to the current one. A seismic paradigm shift towards a more decentralised or democratised internet lies at the root of this new Internet's development. The numerous networks (or rather platforms) that make up the modern internet are in the process of being transformed into user-owned economies, which will synchronise incentives for network owners, network participants, and network creators in the future.

Users have access to one of the essential features Web3 offers: the ability to build real self-ownership. This is accomplished via the usage of currencies and tokens. Coins and tokens (currencies, crypto equities, NFTs, and so on) may be kept in a Web3 wallet in a self-sovereign manner if the private keys for each currency or token are known (more on this below).

It is crucial to have a sense of ownership. It provides individuals with the motivation to completely express their creativity while also benefiting from the economic benefits of what they do. Decentralisation and trustlessness are equally fundamental characteristics of these user-owned economies. These characteristics transform today's internet networks into digital commons that no one controls, while at the same time enabling the existence of digital property rights to be established. Web3 is made possible by the element of permissionlessness, which ensures that these digital commons are publicly accessible by anybody, at any time and from any location.

Although it may not be immediately apparent, the narrative around Web3 is in fact, created and moulded by the blockchain and cryptocurrency phenomena as a whole. Thus, Web3 is now considered an umbrella term that encompasses cryptocurrencies (including digital money and stablecoins), smart contract computing (including smart contract platforms), decentralised hardware infrastructure (including video, storage, sensors and other devices), NFTs (intellectual and virtual property), DeFi (financial services to underlay Web3 assets), the Metaverse (virtual realms), and global coordination efforts (DAOs). When you combine this with artificial intelligence, machine learning, and virtual reality, the Web3 experience becomes completely immersive.


To transform the internet as we understand it today, we must pursue Web3. Admittedly, we don't want it to take the same path as traditional television, which is increasingly dominated by private channels and becomes an unpleasant experience for an increasing number of people.

While the internet and its privately-owned venues have offered significant advantages to people all over the globe, consumers have come to see it as a realm that is becoming more extractive. It turns out that the genuine winners are the monopolies that have sprung up around internet-based communication networks. It has become more difficult for them to exercise significant control over an internet user's creative work and legacy, resulting in the reality that most wealth flows to internet network providers rather than to end-users.

Web3 is currently working to remedy this situation. With the internet transitioning from a location established on "rented land" with monopolistic rulers to a new unbound frontier with unlimited possibilities, users are changed into owners of their own devices. In the new Web3 environment, the interaction between users and the new user-owned economy will be much more symbiotic than it has been in the past. With the rise of Web3, the days of digital monopolies are coming to an end, and cyber feudalism will be put to a stop for good. Users will be able to claim ownership of the products of their own creative efforts, making it much simpler to monetise the results of their own work.


A Web3 wallet, also known as a wallet or a crypto wallet, is a software-based programme used to store payment information and passwords safely. Wallets serve as the primary interface for interacting with Web3 apps. It is quite difficult to access blockchain-related Web3 services, whether they be DeFi apps or the exchange of crypto assets and NFTs, without a wallet.

For Web3, wallets serve the same function that a web browser serves the internet: they are the gateways that allow for simple and rapid access to Web3 services. It is the magic of wallets that they make the usage of accounts, usernames, and passwords unnecessary throughout establishing a connection to Web3 apps. It is possible to create a secure connection between a wallet and Web3 apps by scanning a QR code with a smartphone.

Web3 wallets do not hold any information about the user. Thus, while having total control over his digital assets, a wallet owner also bears the ultimate responsibility for his digital assets. Knowing your customers (KYC) and completing anti-money laundering (AML) regulations are not required for Web3 wallets, which helps to protect the privacy and anonymity of the wallet's owner.

The primary purpose of a Web3 wallet is to allow for the storage and management of digital assets. Although we refer to a digital wallet as if it were a physical wallet, Web3 wallets do not really contain cryptocurrency assets. The assets themselves live on the blockchain as a ledger record in a ledger. The private keys required to access and transfer crypto assets are kept in a wallet and are accessible only by the wallet owner.

Decentralised networks do not have a centralised authority that gathers and keeps data, as is the case with centralised networks. Users are, in fact, a part of the network, and they can define their own standards for the material they produce. In addition to having more control over their data, individuals may also determine the monetisation of their material. Data breaches are very difficult to occur because of the blockchain authentication procedure. As a result, decentralised networks provide the highest level of secrecy.


Holders of North Park NFTs will be given special treatment for prizes on this platform. Overall, the attention economy is a decentralised system that follows a strategy of paying consumers and content providers for quality content. According to this definition, the attention economy is an approach in which the attention of each user is the product. In other words, users are compensated for their attention and participation.


How blockchain technology may aid in the battle against censorship and how this sort of technology might facilitate communication in countries where censorship is prevalent. Once you've done that, think about what we want to accomplish with this platform.

When it comes to philosophical advancement, cryptocurrency and cryptographic technology constitute a watershed moment in this lengthy tug-of-war. For a very long time, free speech was a topic of discussion that included both governmental censorship and social condemnation as well as other issues. Censorship-resistance is often regarded as one of blockchain technology's most important value propositions. On the network, it is theorised that neither nation-state, nor any other third party, has the authority to regulate who may trade or keep their money. Because censorship resistance means that the rules that govern the network are established in advance and cannot be retrospectively changed to suit a certain purpose, it is sometimes referred to as "network sovereignty."

On the other hand, Blockchain technology has developed something entirely new under the philosophical gaze, one that is resistant to censorship. Such technology removes governmental power or corporate power from the equation. Furthermore, it provides individuals who wish to express themselves in a manner that is exceedingly difficult (if not impossible) to completely quiet.

When combined with the emergence of new information marketplaces, crypto anarchy will offer a liquid market for any content expressed in words or images. As a seemingly minor invention such as barbed wire made it possible to fence off vast ranches and farms, forever altering the concepts of land and property rights in the frontier West, so too will a seemingly minor discovery out of an arcane branch of mathematics come to be the wire clippers that dismantle the barbed wire that surrounds intellectual property in the digital age.

Censorship is one of the most pressing concerns facing the social media industry today. Individual users are strongly opposed to censoring sensitive themes to protect freedom of expression and speech, among other things. However, in modern OSNs, material is examined and removed if it does not comply with specific regulations. Furthermore, governments such as China have extensive control over the information that is published on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. On the other hand, decentralised networks provide users with more freedom due to the absence of a central authority. Users can establish their own rules for censorship and governance.

We will begin talking about what we might include and how we could construct this platform with members of our Discord group as soon as possible. Blockchain technology is one of the most promising, disruptive, and transformative technologies now available. Blockchains are digital ledgers of economic transactions that a group of computers controls, and they are a great illustration of a decentralised, distributed system from the technological perspective.

A core premise behind this platform is to use blockchain technology for various purposes, such as allowing users to retain some level of control over their content, introducing a rewarding system. Blockchain technology can be used to accomplish various tasks, including decentralising control over social data, allowing users to maintain some level of control over their social media content, and introducing a rewarding system. BOSMs have the potential to monitor the contribution and degree of engagement of a certain author, or even a group of users, via the use of blockchain technology. The blockchain technology, also known as distributed ledger technology, is decentralised in nature and is used to store digital transactions (DLT). The immutability of blockchain technology is one of its most distinguishing properties. Indeed, every transaction is recorded on the blockchain and is safeguarded by end-to-end encryption, which ensures that no one can reverse the transaction. =customers agree to accept services in return for their attention.


North Park has a plethora of initiatives in store for the future that will revolutionise our platform. For instance, we will soon start debating what we could integrate and how we could build this platform with members from our Discord group.

You can now read our White Paper on OpenWord.io.